In this episode, we will discuss a couple of SAP ERP products with an SAP implementation partner, Navigator. With Russell DeLapp, we discuss SAP Business One and SAP Business ByDesign. Additionally, our guest will share some ERP insights, experiences, and success factors.
Objective research suggests that there is one best ERP solution for each and every unique organization. But what does that really mean? Additionally, the organization needs to take the time and effort to find that “one best fit” without making assumptions. In fact, research suggests that ERP systems selection, implementation methodology, and partner selection is critical for a successful ERP organizational change project. So, we further explore a specific ERP product and partner and get their thoughts on ERP trends, ERP differentiators, and much more! Let’s learn more about SAP.
Russell DeLappExecutive VP of Service and Support at Navigator Business Solutions
Russell DeLapp is an accomplished ERP industry executive with over 10 years of experience driving successful projects for life sciences and consumer products companies around the globe. Russell leads Navigator’s Professional Services Organization, including both SAP Business One and SAP Business ByDesign. In partnership with the executive management team, Russell creates leading-edge customer support, implementation methodologies, and tools in support of Navigator’s mission while providing world-class consulting services.
Website: Navigator Business Solutions
04:24 How would you define ERP for our listeners?
04:59 What is the difference between SAP Business One and SAP Business ByDesign?
06:52 Talk to us more about an article on the Navigator website The Benefits of Working with a Partner, Not the Vendor. Please elaborate more.
08:36 Suppose you are leading a kickoff meeting for an organization that is just starting an ERP implementation. How would you define and describe for them “success” in terms of an ERP organizational change?
10:29 Navigator has many blog posts regarding selection, “How to Evaluate an ERP System”, “ERP Evaluation: Are You Looking at Price or Value?”, “How to Pick the Best ERP Solution for Your Startup”, and “System Fit is Like Buying the Right House for Your Family”, would you agree that ERP system selection is one of the most crucial decisions to be made during an ERP organizational change endeavor? Why? So, as you know there are many, hundreds, of different vendors in the ERP space. What would be your general advice to organizations looking to select an ERP solution?
12:45 With so many options, so many marketing and sales approaches, and many organizations having never been through an ERP selection previously, how can organizations focus on looking at the true differentiators with ERP vendors? I tell people, and our clients, all the time that during the sales pitch, you can often swap logos on the same sales slide deck and leave the rest…as they all seem to say the same thing. What do you say? What are some things to consider when trying to understand the true differentiators between ERP options during the selection process?
16:20 How would you describe your general understanding of ERP implementation success rates in the field?
20:30 What would you say are some of the most significant challenges in an ERP organizational change effort?
23:50 I know Navigator had a blog post titled, “Navigator Business Solutions & UBIX Labs Partner to Provide Advanced Analytics to Drive Intelligent Transformation”. What is the future of ERP in general? What are some of the innovations and emerging technology driving ERP in 2022? AI, chatbots, and predictive analytics…?
28:00 In terms of SAP products specifically, what are the emerging technologies that SAP is actually building, or plans to build, over the next 1-3 years that you think will act as a competitive differentiator for SAP?
30:39 You have an article, (SEPTEMBER 22, 2022) “Open-Source ERP Systems for Small Business: Pros and Cons”, please explain to our listeners Open Source and what are the Pros and Cons.
32:50 What is more likely 1) nearly perfect success with no major challenges or 2) Some challenges but the organization endures (due to strong culture) and therefore success?
35:53 As you know implementation process and methodology are crucial, what can you share with our listeners as to how you feel your implementation process is a differentiator from other ERP players?
38:43 What are your thoughts on ERP software customization? Customization can be good in order to better fit the operational processes. But isn’t too much a danger?
41:34 Supply Chain Disruption and ERP: Why Digital Connectivity Matters elaborate more for our listeners.
43:10 what’s your Golden nugget for our listeners? As fellow practitioners, we absolutely benefit from learning from our colleagues and friends, both “boots on the ground” as well as researchers. How would you summarize this conversation? That is if you had to distill your work into 3 or 4 sentences, what would you say to our listeners? how can they take what they learned from this podcast and use it in practice?
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