Episode 77: Organizational Culture and Effective ERP Change Management

Episode 77 March 29, 2023 00:51:09
Episode 77: Organizational Culture and Effective ERP Change Management
The ERP Organizational Change Journal
Episode 77: Organizational Culture and Effective ERP Change Management

Mar 29 2023 | 00:51:09


Show Notes

Organizational Culture and Effective ERP Change Management

In this episode

In this episode we discuss effective ERP change management. We talk with Daryl Conner, founder of Conner Partners, a renowned consulting firm specializing in strategic change. Our conversation revolves around how organizational culture and leadership can impact effective ERP change management. Drawing from his decades of experience advising and executing successful change initiatives, Daryl shares valuable insights on effective strategies and tactics for driving effective ERP change management, as well as ways to measure organizational culture. We discuss the importance of a flexible but structured approach, the role of leadership in effective ERP change, and the impact of culture on mergers and acquisitions. Whether you’re a private equity partner, a business leader, or involved in ERP implementation and digital transformation, this episode provides valuable lessons on driving successful change in your organization.


Daryl Conner

Advisor | Author | Speaker Chairman – Conner Advisory

More About Daryl

Daryl Conner is chairman of Conner Partners, an Atlanta-based consulting firm that specializes in transformation implementation. He is an internationally recognized leader in organizational change and serves as an advisor and mentor to senior executives around the globe. He founded ODR®, a training and consulting firm specializing in change management, in 1974. In 2004, he re-launched the company as Conner Partners, incorporating ODR’s tools and methodologies into a larger framework called Strategy Execution.

In 40 years of practice, Daryl has worked with many of the most successful organizations in the world, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and nonprofit institutions, to help them achieve the full intent of their most urgent and critically important initiatives. A dynamic public speaker, he has addressed thousands of executives in corporate settings, national conferences, and public programs.

His work is built on a strong foundation of research, extensive consulting experience, a master’s degree in psychology, and a deep spiritual focus. He has authored two books—Managing at the Speed of Change (Random House, 1993) and Leading at the Edge of Chaos (John Wiley & Sons, 1998)—and more than 250 publications, including journal and magazine articles, monographs, book chapters, and videos. Daryl’s blog, change thinking, is written for change management professionals who want to raise the level of their game and that of the field of change execution.

Daryl also holds a faculty position on the Masters of Organizational Leadership program (MAOL) at the Center for Leadership Studies. In 2007, Daryl and the firm were honored with the International Spirit at Work award, which is given annually to companies that exemplify a deep commitment to nurturing the human spirit.


Episode Mentions 

Article: “Organizational Culture and its impact on transformational change”

Episode Highlights Timeline 

01:59 Daryl’s introduction

04:53 More About Conner Partners

Can you tell us a bit about Conner Partners and your role there?

06:00 Can you define what we mean by “organizational culture”?

08:28 Segment 1: Organizational Culture and its Impact on Transformational Change

08:46 In one of your articles  ‘Organizational Culture and Its Impact on Transformation Change’, you mention that organizational culture can either facilitate or hinder change efforts. How can organizations identify and address cultural barriers to change?” 

13:29 Can you share an example of an organization that has successfully transformed its culture to drive change?

17:23 Segment 2: The role of leadership in change execution

17:33 What insight can you share in terms of how leadership style impacts change initiatives?

23:24 In ‘Organizational Culture and Its Impact on Transformation Change’, you explore the role of leadership in shaping organizational culture. How can leaders create a culture that supports successful change initiatives?” What are some strategies leaders can use to align culture with change initiatives?

28:35 Segment 3: Stakeholder engagement: Key to Success 

28:51 How important are stakeholder engagement and communication in driving successful change?

32:46 How can leaders balance the need for strategic direction with the need to listen to and incorporate feedback from stakeholders? Engagement and value feedback? 

38:55 Segment 4: Strategy and tactics for Succesful Change

39:33 In your books, you also talk about the importance of defining outcomes and developing a clear plan to achieve them. How can this approach benefit organizations undergoing transformational change?”  Maybe asked a different way, what can you share in general about Strategy and then tactics for successful change execution?

42:24 How does Conner Partners approach change execution, and how does it differ from other firms?

44:59 How can organizations measure their culture and track progress toward desired outcomes?


46:50 GOLDEN NUGGET: What are the key takeaways you want listeners to remember from our conversation?

48:05 Jacks Conversation Round-up

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Nestell & Associates is a highly specialized IT and ERP change management consulting firm that serves as a business-savvy, tenured, and highly technical-proficient business partner to private equity firms. We provide expert vendor-neutral IT and ERP services necessary to support their business objectives. Our team of experts excels at organizational change, preparedness, and digital transformation success.

Our approach has been proven to be successful by focusing on key areas such as organizational culture, change, and readiness, we’ve helped our clients achieve their IT and ERP business objectives from improving IT security to managing complex transformational M&A initiatives.

We are passionate about helping our clients succeed and achieving positive outcomes. Our goal is to provide the most efficient, organized, experienced, and productive professionals in the industry to implement processes, resources, and technology that will give our private equity partners a competitive advantage and deliver real return on investment.

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